或許是動盪過大,Ubisoft 在第 6 度宣布《怒海戰記》(Skull & Bones)延期後,又發了一篇聲明說明延期策略,強調開發團隊態度,包括更新實機遊玩影片,給始終等待他的支持者們。
伴隨 Ubisoft 不算亮眼的財報表現,《怒海戰記》6 度延期引發玩家臆測。開發團隊在此時追加了一篇聲明,重申開發決心、意志,外加延期時間將用作強化遊戲體驗、平衡性等用途。
Today we’d like to share an update regarding our release date as we made the decision to delay Skull and Bones a little more.
Our determination and focus remain the same—offer the best in-game experience possible to our players from day one. This extra time will help us in providing further polish and balancing to our game experience. Following your feedback from previous tests.
We also have an array of exciting content coming up on our social channels and ready to be shared with you. Starting tomorrow, with our latest episode of the deck, bringing new and exclusive gameplay footage focused on our game’s lore.
Additional information regarding our new release date and upcoming tests phases will be shared with you all very soon, so be sure to stay tuned and follow the conversation.
Thank you for your support and stay tuned for more information.
—From the entire Skull and Bones team, thank you so much for your ongoing understanding and patience.
雖然聲明對於縮短等待時間於事無補,只能期盼 Ubisoft 的開發進度持續推進,讓大家早一點可以踏上甲板航海~
在聲明公開後,Uibosft 更新了一隻《怒海戰記》最新開發相關影片「The Deck」(甲板),除了有開發團隊敘述遊戲進展,還有一些預告片,以及玩家實際出海、開船戰鬥等內容。